If you're currently unhappy in your relationship, this master class program will change your life as the knowledge is derived from thousands of real life happy and successful couples. Start today!

This is not to say that some relationships are better off being discarded and our research shows couples often give up way too early and the ones with some knowledge, patience, flexibility and perseverance, have a much higher chance of being in a loving and fulfilling relationship


Ernie Sulovic

Hi, I’m Ernie Sulovic (owner of Everlast Therapies and Published Author, nee Rohrbacher). I’ve had my own relationship problems in the past, and now, after years of training and self improvement, I’m in a happy and healthy relationship. And I know I can help you get there too!


I want to help as many couples as possible on their journey to a happier relationship. If you're one of the many who are struggling, I hope to see you in one of my sessions!


  • Constantly arguing

  • Not getting along and losing that loving feeling

  • At the point where the spark has gone and you wonder if you still love them

  • Feeling as if you have lost who you are

  • Bored out of your brain and the fun, laughter and giggles have gone

  • Devasted and heart broken over an ended relationship

  • About to get married or are married and wish to re-vitalise and add more life to your marriage

  • Confused about your relationship or suffering from being cheated on

  • Feeling distant, living like virtual strangers and not doing things together like you used to

  • With a partner who more "exists" in the relationship as compared to "being" in it

  • Unhappy, unfulfilled or dissatisfied in your relationship and hence thinking of separating from or divorcing your partner… Stop!

Because this program was made for you...


  • 9 hour audio program (One and a half hours, once a week, over 6 weeks) and Workbooks provided with each session

  • Master class for men only, which is practical and fun, that teaches you how to understand women


  • Weekly assignments given to reinforce what you have learnt and integrate as part of your daily life


  • Listen to the Audio Program at any time that is suitable to you. Listen to it on your mobile phone, tablet, iPod, stereo or desktop


  • Each lesson is divided into 2 parts, each being 30-45 minutes long for ease of listening and retention. Listen to it in your car, on the bus, train etc on your way to work, during your lunch break, or on your way home where you can implement the assignment immediately into your relationship


  • 6 low cost weekly payments for ease of budgeting. Or pay upfront for instant access to all material at a discounted rate.


  • Understand the need and role of conflict in your relationship

  • What to do about her good side vs bad side

  • How the concept of opposites-attract operates to benefit your relationship

  • How to minimise problems in your relationship

  • Discover the harm of conditional love vs unconditional love

  • Why we fall in-love and use it to stay in-love

  • Be part of the select few men who truly know what a woman wants and how to be the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with, where she'd do nearly anything for you to be happy 

  • Communicate and share on a deeper level than ever before

  • Uncover the power of touch and how it stimulates health and healing

  • Have yourself be happy, responsible for your life, and keep who you truly are

  • Find out how to work as a team

  • Stand up for your own standards - your values, morals, beliefs and boundaries

  • Minimise boredom by introducing variety and surprise

  • The value of humour and being playful

  • How to affair-proof your relationship

  • Discover if you are with the right person

  • Learn to see things from your point of view as well as hers, and hence notice things from a much more objective place

  • Fulfill her emotionally like no other man, where she is more willing to give you what you need and want

  • Receive 50 romantic ideas to seduce your woman

  • How to bring out the best in your partner

  • The secrets that will teach you  the meaning of "little things" and how she thrives upon them

I have a cute story that came out of one of my classes about a woman in her 50s, and she was a very, very conservative looking woman. Not one stitch of makeup. Well after this class, she was so motivated, that she went home, and while her husband was sleeping, and this was about midnight, she wrote, in deep red lipstick, across the mirror, you Tarzan, me Jane, let's swing tonight. Then she went to bed. The next morning, she was pretending to be asleep. And she said, he got up, and he started shaving, in front of the mirror. She said that this message, was not written, in a little tiny corner. It was written across the entire mirror. And there was absolutely no expression on his face. He was just shaving, stone cold, as if she had written nothing. And she thought, son of a gun, he's not reacting, to this. Anyway, she said, he left for work, and he didn't say anything to her. Well, then, about three hours later, the phone rings, and he says, I can't stand it one more minute. Did you really mean what you wrote on that mirror? I can't concentrate on work at all. And that was the first time, in their entire marriage, that he came home at 12 o'clock, in the afternoon, and stayed home, the rest of the day, as they made love.

I remember one man raising his hand and saying, my wife is a sex maniac. I can't even get in the front door, and she wants to make love straight away. I don't have the sex drive that she does. Another man raised his hand and said, can I have her phone number, please. So the fact is that what one person perceives as a fault, the other one looks at as a virtue. And it's very subjective.

How to revive the feelings of love, warmth, closeness, communication, fun, romance and passion


 Have a love-affair with your partner, because if you don’t, somebody else will


  Feel enthusiastic about your relationship


 Become her knight in shining armour, her lover, her hero forever


 Create magical moments that will last a lifetime


 How to ignite passion, joy, and excitement in the woman you love


You deserve to have a woman who loves you with her whole heart and soul; worships the ground you walk on, and will do anything to have you happy. This wont happen by chance or luck or by being at the right place at the right time. It is about discovering how different your needs are from hers and how you can live a life filled with more love and happiness than you ever dreamed of before....




Recent statistics show that in the U.S. 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second, and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. The average cost of a divorce is $15,000 per person. 

Here in Australia, if you were to go to get divorced, the initial payment to file your application is approximately AUD$1000. Then taking averages into consideration, each of you would be paying a Divorce Lawyer, AUD$550 per hour. You have already reached $2000 before anything really begins.

Course Value

  • Full price of the Program featuring audio lessons with companion workbook, valued at US$900

  • Certificate of Achievement, in your name, valued at US$50

  • Greatly discounted therapy rates for Graduates if you feel you may need it after Graduation with no use-by date.

  • Includes free eBook - 101 Romantic Ideas. Valued at US$25

P A Y M E N T    O P T I O N S




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Everlast Therapies